In the year 2190, Earth Online, a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set a decade into the future, captivated the world. Players, vying for dominance in this expansive virtual realm, ten times the size of our own planet, engaged in epic battles, constructed territories, and embarked on personal quests. The stakes were high: a single in-game death could reset a player’s progress to zero.
Ouyang Shuo, a skilled player, experienced the ultimate betrayal. His sworn brother, blinded by greed, betrayed him for a mere piece of equipment. Now, reborn into the game, Ouyang Shuo vowed to seek retribution.
But fate had other plans. A twist of destiny transported him back five years, to a time before the betrayal. Armed with the knowledge of his past life, Ouyang Shuo embarked on a new path.
How could he master the game’s quests? Which historical battlegrounds would emerge? And how could he build a thriving territory? Leveraging the wisdom of his predecessors, Ouyang Shuo defied the odds and ascended to the top.
This is a tale of virtual conquest, historical intrigue, and kingdom building. Join Ouyang Shuo as he navigates the treacherous world of Earth Online and strives to become its ultimate ruler.