Heng Yanlin, once a supreme Immortal Emperor in a realm of cultivators, found himself stranded on Earth, a mere mortal amidst the ordinary. His journey had been arduous, his ascent to power marked by countless trials and tribulations. Yet, his ultimate goal remained – to return to his world of origin, to reunite with his family.
With his unparalleled power, he believed he could breach the dimensional barrier, a feat that seemed within his grasp. But fate had other plans. A hidden enemy, the Lord of Time, lay in wait, his power a match for the Immortal Emperor’s own. A surprise attack shattered Heng Yanlin’s cultivation base, plunging him from celestial heights to mortal depths.
Transported to a parallel Earth, stripped of his divine power, Heng Yanlin was forced to confront the harsh realities of his new existence. He was no longer a revered figure, a being of immense power. He was simply an ordinary man, navigating the complexities of a world he barely understood.
A twist of fate led him to become the kept man of a CEO, the granddaughter of the man who had saved his life. Their relationship, a complex tapestry of power dynamics and personal connections, would become a central element of his story.
What transpired between Heng Yanlin and the female CEO? How did their relationship evolve? These questions would be answered in the unfolding chapters of his tale.
About the Author
Mu Zi Mu, a master of contemporary Chinese literature, specializes in crafting captivating stories set in the urban world. His works are renowned for their exquisite writing style, engaging characters, and intriguing plots. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of human nature, Mu Zi Mu has captivated readers with his unique blend of realism and fantasy.