In the celestial realm known as the 33 Skies, a titanic clash reverberated through the cosmos. The Human Emperor, Lin Ming, locked in a final, desperate battle with the Abyssal Demon King. With the fate of existence hanging in the balance, Lin Ming shattered the Abyssal World and vanquished the demonic monarch. But victory came at a cost. A mysterious purple card, once used to seal the Demon King, vanished in the chaos, swept through the space-time vortex by an unseen force. It carried with it a fragment of Lin Ming’s legacy, a loved one destined for an unknown fate.
Across the void, on a world where the embers of martial arts were just beginning to flicker, several powerful masters sought their own path. Enter Yi Yun, a young man from modern Earth who stumbled into this nascent world of martial arts. In his possession, a purple card of unknown origin, a silent echo of the epic conflict that raged beyond the veil of reality. Thrust into a magnificent yet uncharted world of martial prowess, Yi Yun embarks on a journey. This is the tale of an ordinary young man, destined to become a legendary peerless expert, his rise fueled by the echoes of a legacy carried on a mysterious card.